I had an Oncologist appointment on Friday afternoon. Blood work still improving and blood pressure improving with medication. Thank goodness the blood work is still ok...therefore the food possibilities are still wide open. Or so I thought !!
After that comment last time about the width and breadth of my integumentary system (skin area) it is noted that weight is increasing. Doc said, "What's with the weight?" There seems to be a steady increase going on there too. He said something about, ". . . all gut, no butt." Soooooo , get some of it off. Get under 199

By my interpolation of the skin-area data, that should be about 2.08 square meters. I didn't give the excuse that during my off Sutent week I retain fluid....so maybe I have an ace up my sleeve. The next appointment will be at the end of two on Sutent weeks. I think I'll make the weigh-in, but to make sure I'll step up the exercise and drop the pie and bread.
The eyebrows are white as are the lashes. I included a picture here. Geeeze I look old, but since being old is the goal of all this, I might as well look the part. Maybe the exercise and the vacation from pie will take care of those jowels.
We finished the out-of-town football game schedule this weekend. We do enjoy it, and especially seeing those out-of-town grandbabies makes it special, but I'm looking forward to being home for a while. I'm feeling good, not particularly bothered by any side effects at the moment.
I'm working every day which is mainly talking to customers and scheduling the factory. I hope this week to secure a building permit for the expansion of the factory. I want to pour concrete by early December at the latest. The building is already on order and will be delivered by about the 10th.
We're hanging in ! Life is good ! I feel the strengh of your thoughts.
Great Speckled Byrd
Dang!! The gray sure did happen fast, huh? You were just here in Mtn Home what a couple of wks ago--oh well, at least you feel okay. Hope everything goes well at the dr on the 30th, and I hope y'all have a nice Thanksgiving!!
we love you guys
Carole and Hiram
Carole's fast man! I love to be the first commenter... and she beat me.
I got nothing to say, but I hate to be second.
I'll be third! :) Love you all!
so sorry Erin--ya gotta get up pretty early in the morning to get ahead of this early byrd, lol..maybe next time!
We just returned from a trip to the Holy Land and wanted you to know that we prayed for you in the Garden of Gethsemane. Hope you all have a blessed Thanksgiving and that you have at least one piece of pie!!
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