Greetings from Dallas.
Our main job for the next few months, according to Dr. Baltz, is to be dull and boring. Just take the meds and keep on keepin' on. After we do that for awhile, then we'll check and see how things are. Well.. where do I pick up my prescription for being boring?
This weekend we went to Dallas to visit our friends, the Sutcliffes. This conincided with a trip to the new Cowboy's stadium where the Razorbacks and the Aggies of Texas A&M were kicking off a new 10-year scheduled game.
Vic said, "we'll take you and pick you up, it's not far." PERSPECTIVE.... in Mountain Home, Arkansas, 3 miles is not far to us... we live in Little Rock... in Little Rock 20 miles is not far. In Dallas, not far is about 45 miles... thanks Vic and Gail for hauling us around.
Bonus: We also got to go see Dr. David and Jenn Sutcliffe and Little Sutcliffe, Anthony. We're used to Moonpie Elliot.... Anthony is 4-1/2 months and he's on the other end of the bell curve. Sweet baby...I've dropped in a pic. His mom and dad are graduates of A&M so Anthony was all dressed for the game. He might have even had on an A&M diaper....above my pay grade I missed all of that.
I don't know how to arrange these pics....but they include: Taking Sutent in Cowboy stadium. Clowning while taking Sutent. Me in my Hog shirt and Anthony in full A&M fare. Nana in front of Cowboy Stadium. Inside the stadium with red hogs all around the stadium. Jerry Jones was a Razorback, you know.

Ok, I'm trying real hard to be dull and boring. I'm tolerating all of the meds. I do get tired sometimes, but hey I'm almost 6 decades old. Maybe I'll pull out that dull/boring perscription from time to time, but my original reaction to this thing and Dr. Baltz's admonition still holds....just because I have cancer doesn't mean that I'm gonna quit living.
y'all be sweet
One Kidney Wonder
Things I love:
1. Mom takes her raincoat with her everywhere she goes.
2. Your look of solemn grief while holding an Aggie baby. Seriously. Perk up!
3. Mom trying to pretend that you gagging on Sutent isn't funny... 'cause it is.
4. Ya'll livin' it up.
Been keeping up with you through the blog OKW. I'm so glad you don't know you had MAJOR surgery and you are pretty sick! Makes for a much better recovery if you are oblivious to the fact that anything is wrong! Keep living life and having fun. Many thoughts and prayers for your family from mine!
Glad you are keepin' on keepin' on cause in truth that's what we're all doin' every day. We'll be at Razorback stadium ourselves on Sat as our youngest daughter and her husband found Jim some tickets for his birthday tomorrow. They are bringing them tomorrow as a surprise along with our month old grandbaby that he hasn't seen in about 3 weeks. It'll be a grand day. We're keeping you in our thoughts and especially our prayers.
Brenda Elmore
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